Monday, December 17, 2012

Welcome to the official website of the Arab Academy for Science and Technology Historical Background: is one of the specialized organizations of the Arab League, which was established in cooperation with the Marine Consultative Organization (IMCO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCLAD) in conjunction with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Headquarters Academy: (headquarters of Abo Qir - headquarters Miami - headquarters Ganaklis - headquarters training ports in Alexandria Port - headquarters training ship Aida 4 - headquarters Wabour water - the headquarters of the Latin Quarter - seat club Ittihad - the headquarters of Heliopolis - the headquarters of Dokki - headquarters Wardan - headquarters Maadi - South Valley headquarters - Fouad headquarters - the headquarters city of Latakia, Syria - the headquarters of Aden, Yemen - the headquarters of the Academy of London). International Relations: (partnership with the United Nations Secretariat - Cooperation with the World Bank - Arab Fund reserves - the principal adviser to the State of the Comoros - cooperation with the Presidency of Meteorology, Saudi Arabia - the establishment and are not Arab - signing of the Charter Almjnakarta - create the International Forum for the maritime industry. Educational quality: an award-winning organization ISO 2010 in the quality of higher education within six institutions in the world. Important stats: increasing the number of students at the Academy rate (32.62%) per year and increasing the proportion of papers presented at a rate (21.66%) per year as revenue increases at a rate (13.08%) per year.